The oeuvre of the great Flemish composer Luc Brewaeys comprises more than a hundred works for the most diverse line-ups of solo works, opera and music theater, ensemble works and compositions for large symphonic orchestra, with or without musical electronics. However, it is not easy to discover consistent lines or cycles in this whole – series that are related to each other thematically or substantively. An exception to this are eight works that Brewaeys composed in the long period of 1991 – 2009 that explicitly refer to Scottish single malt whiskys.
This ‘single malt cycle’ comprises eight compositions for different instrumentations. They are characterized by a pure, original high energy; for the connoisseur a richly layered taste sensation of the most diverse themes, tempi and spectra, for the interested listener a pleasant sense of rush that makes you a little bit tipsy.
The cycle has never been realized as a whole. In November 2019, Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Champdaction, HERMESensemble, I Solisti and Royal Conservatory Antwerp (AP Hogeschool) will work together to bring the entire cycle of eight works together in one musical week in a series of concerts.